Roadways, parking lots, buildings—these are all necessary to our society and lifestyle. However, these human-made hardscapes can create a hot spot. Urban heat, or the heat island effect, refers to an area that is hotter than its natural surrounding ...
In Part 2 of this series, we discuss how to decide between asphalt or concrete for your property. Go Pave Utah is here for your specific needs. Here are some more considerations: Immediacy of Usage Sometimes we run into a situation where we need a pa ...
Ready to pour that driveway? What about a parking lot for your business? Asphalt and concrete both deliver amazing results with lots of pros from both. How do you decide which is best for your property? We’re here to help! Renaissance Asphalt Servi ...
Asphalt is a smooth surface, thereby creating an amazing blank canvas for painting artwork. Bloomberg Philanthropies awarded up to $25,000 to 26 cities (each!) in early October 2021 for the creation of asphalt art projects. The intentions behind the ...
Add asphalt assessing to your list of things to do each year for property maintenance. Or better, add “hire Go Pave Utah” to that checklist so it gets done for you, accurately and efficiently. Asphalt is a durable pavement that can continuously b ...