Tag: Asphalt Maintenance

June 20, 2024
The Crucial Role of Crack Seal in Asphalt Longevity
Recognizing the importance of regular maintenance for asphalt surfaces is important for any property manager or homeowner. Regular maintenance, such as promptly sealing cracks, becomes essential for maximizing the longevity of asphalt paving. Crack s ...
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June 6, 2024
The Forecast Calls for Cracks: Preventing Heat Damage on Asphalt
With the mercury rising and summer fast approaching, asphalt surfaces bear the brunt of the increasing heat and the accompanying UV radiation. Understanding this relationship is key to preemptively shielding these surfaces and ensuring their durabili ...
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April 20, 2024
Revolutionizing Pavement Management: AI Meets Asphalt
The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into pavement maintenance is revolutionizing the approach, management, and execution of road care. Currently, AI capabilities can analyze pavement images to identify cracks, potholes, and other surfac ...
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April 6, 2024
When Was The Last Time Your Asphalt Parking Lot Was Seal Coated?
Asphalt parking lots and pavement are a significant investment, so you want to make sure it's done correctly and that you stay on top of maintenance requirements. Applying a quality sealcoat can protect both your budget and your pavement. Sealcoating ...
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March 7, 2024
Unanswered Questions About Asphalt Upkeep
Applying a protective coating to the asphalt surface is essential for maintenance. This protective layer helps to preserve the natural oils in the asphalt, enhancing its resistance to water, oil, and other damaging substances. Asphalt seal coating is ...
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