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Steps Involved in Asphalt Repair

steps asphalt repair

When you’re looking at asphalt repair, the pros at Go Pave Utah are here to help. We’ll work with you every step of the way to evaluate your current situation, plus get you the most practical and cost-effective asphalt solutions for your business or space.

For those who haven’t been through it before, the process of asphalt repair comes with a few basic steps to follow. Let’s go over these simple steps and a few tips we can offer within each as we work toward a fantastic completed project.

Step 1: Evaluate Current Space

The first step in the process is taking the time to evaluate your current space. If you have previous asphalt in place, you’re looking for any of the following signs of damage:

In addition, consider any major sloping or landscaping changes that may have taken place since original paving was done.

Step 2: Assess Options

There are several different methods of asphalt repair out there, and we can help you with each of them. Here are some of the most common:

Step 3: Choose Asphalt Type

Some types of asphalt to consider:

Step 4: Budgeting and Quote

In general, we recommend business owners in charge of parking or other lots should budget for a repair or restoration process every decade or so. You can decrease the amount you need to budget here through regular maintenance. Once you’ve gone over all the details above, we can work with you to get you a precise quote on your project and get started.

For more on the steps of asphalt repair, or to learn about any of our asphalt services, speak to the pros at Go Pave Utah today.

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